Creating a Birth Plan

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I've been contemplating the idea of creating a birth plan. My original plan was not to plan at all. But now I'm trying to find out whether I really NEED one or not. Some say, don't waste your time, once you go into labor you forget all that and just go as things come. Others will say the opposite and tell you to come up with one so that things go your way. I am feeling overwhelmed with this because I can't come up with what I really want. I guess writing a birth plan is a great way to at least have some guidelines for what the expectant mother finds very important to her during this time and having a sense of control when she may not feel her strongest.

Part of some expectant mother's concern is how do you create one, where do you even begin? I've seen some great guidelines and samples on various baby websites. If I decide to create one, I suppose I could use one of those. A lot of us first time mom's to be just simply think go in the hospital, have a healthy baby, and that's it. But there are so many more things to consider other than going natural versus having an epidural. There's also whether you have strong feelings about nurses giving your baby formula if you are adamant about breastfeeding or whether they give your baby a pacifier. I have a lot to consider....

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