To have an epidural or not...?

I want to try to have this baby natural without any drugs for the pain. This is a decision I made long before I ever got pregnant. I know some will say, you wouldn't have a tooth pulled without novocaine would you? And you know what? That's true.

I don't exactly know why I am so adamant about having this baby natural but I am. Everyone woman in my family has done so and I just want to try. I am also aware that some women have had side effects due to the epidural. Regardless of that, I just hope that things are smooth and that I can be as alert and aware of everything as much as possible while giving birth. Now don't get me wrong... if for whatever reason while I am in labor I feel that the pain is too much to handle, I am absolutely open to getting an epidural. Hopefully things goes smooth and the labor process is quick. I wish! Ha!

Predicting Baby's Eye Color

What color will baby's eyes be?

My husband has brown eyes and I have hazel. Most of us on my side have hazel eyes, mine being the "darkest". So I'm interested to see how this little one's turn out.

This is obviously something hard to predict but it's all in good fun!
If you're interested in trying this out, here is the link.

Annoyed with Cord Blood Registry & the Like

These people are beginning to get on my last nerve. As if that is hard to do at this stage of my pregnancy, but really.... Years ago I signed up for information on them. I had considered banking my baby's cord blood when I first heard about it. I have done some research over the years and now that I am actually pregnant, have decided on delayed clamping so that they will cut the cord after it has stopped pulsating. I want her to receive all nutrients from the cord and I am happy with my decision. But it seems that ever since I've signed up from CBR that it just doesn't end! Every "sponsor" from all my favorite baby websites send emails from them and I just can't escape! When I signed up I was living in Canada. I have never updated them with my new house address or phone number here in the US, but they have somehow gotten that. I receive pamphlets in the mail and phone calls repeatedly. I've told them I am no longer interested but they are adamant on getting me to bank my baby's cord blood.

Don't get me wrong, I think it is a wonderful idea for those who are choosing to do it, I have just made the decision not to and wish that these companies would respect that and leave me alone.

Snail Mail Spam

I don't know if anyone else deals with this, but it seems that as soon as I pee'd on that pregnancy test and it came out positive that I've started getting all sorts of spam and junk in the mail regarding baby and what not. Why am I suddenly getting all these offers in the mail for things I don't need. I'm sorry that I don't want to become a member at your church just to have my child baptized... etc! Where do these people get our information from, it's so irritating!

Baby's First Postcard

Greetings from Florida!

I was just doing some thinking and realized this little one is one of the only ones in my family to be born in Florida! So I decided to just post up some random facts about the state of Florida, home to baby Emery and many more!

Florida was admitted to United States as a State on March 3, 1845 (27th State)
Governor - Charlie Crist
Capital - Tallahassee
Nickname - Sunshine State
State Flower - Orange Blossom
State Motto - "In God we trust."
State Song - "Swanee River"
Number of Counties in Florida - 67
State Sales Tax - 6%

Number of people who move to Florida each day - 1,000
Number of major commercial airports - 19
Number of international airports - 12
Number of deepwater ports - 14
Miles of sand beaches - 1,200
Miles of coastline - 1,800